
Updated: September 2021


46. Registration

a. All clubs must ensure that their players are registered, regardless of age, on PlayHQ prior to such players playing for that club in any match organised by the SMCA. No late registrations or Fill-In players will be

b. The minimum age for a player to qualify for registration to the SMCA is 14 years old.

c. When two (2) clubs within the Association merge to form one club the players registered with both those clubs will be bound to the new club formed by such merger and will require a clearance to move from that new club.

d. In the event of any club playing an unregistered player, the match where the offence is first reported shall count as a forfeit against the club playing the unregistered player. See By-Law 69 for penalties. The side not at fault is awarded forfeit points or points earned in the game, whichever is the greater. All match statistics for non-offending players will stand for Association trophies.

f. In the event of a club playing a player under a false name, then all games participated in by that club in that round shall be considered to be forfeited with the penalties as outlined in By-Law 46.d to apply. The Captain of the offending team in which the player participated is to be suspended for six playing dates for filling in a false team sheet. The player who has offended may be dealt with by the Protests, Disputes and Appeals Board.